Thursday, May 26, 2016


   There are many kinds of Snakes, like Cobras, Rattlesnakes, Mambas and many more. Snakes can not hear, but they can feal vibrations. Some Snakes are venomous. Venomous Snakes have special teeth called fangs which are used for injecting the venom.

   There are different kinds of Cobras, like Spitting Cobras, Egyptian Cobras, Indian Cobras, and  more. Cobras are venomous. Spitting Cobras are named for how they use their venom. They spit their venom into their prey's eyes and blind them. Cobras eat small animals like rats, mice, birds, and toads. There are six kinds of Cobras. Five kinds live in Africa and the other kind lives in Asia.

Rattlesnakes are named for the rattle on their tail. Each time a rattlesnake sheds, another button is added to its rattle. Rattlesnakes hunt at night. Rattlesnakes are venomous too.

   There are some harmless Snakes out there too, like racers, bull snakes, and scarlet snakes.
I took this photo of a bull snake
in the Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
All sea snakes are venomous but they don't always snap, even when they are being held. Some people mistake the harmless scarlet snake for the venomous Coral snake. Some threats to snakes are mongoose, wild boar, birds, and humans.

   When snakes want to go fast they curve their body in a squiggly motion. Snakes come in different sizes.


Richardson, Adele. Rattlesnakes. Mankato, Minnesota: Capstone Press, 2003.
Green, Carl R. The Cobra. Mankato, Minnesota: Crestwood House, 1986.
Fichter, George S. Snakes Around The World. London: Franklin Watts, 1980.
Photos from Google Images, with the exception of the bull snake photo.

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