Thursday, May 19, 2016


   Crocodilians are a group of reptiles. Crocodiles, Alligators, Caimans and Gavials are all crocodilians. To tell the difference, look at their snout.

There are different kinds of crocodiles, like the Nile Crocodile, the Saltwater Crocodile, and the Freshwater Crocodile. Crocodiles eat birds, pigs, deer and other animals. Crocodiles hunt with the top of their head exposed so that they can see, hear and breathe. With large prey, crocodiles use their tail to knock their prey into the water, bite them and take them underwater for a death roll. For smaller prey they sneak up and with a snap of their powerful jaws they have a meal. Crocodiles live in swampy places all over Africa and Australia. Crocodiles have long pointed snouts.

     Alligators hunt the same way crocodiles do. Alligators eat birds and pigs. Alligators live in South and North America. There is a smaller version of an Alligator called a Caiman. Alligators have wide rounded snouts.


    Gavials are a less known Crocodilian. Gavials have another name: Gharials. Gavials live in Asia. Gavials eat fish.

    Other animals can be threats. Birds can carry away young crocodilians. Monitor Lizards will eat eggs if they get a chance. Crocodilians are scared of Humans. They might fight each other for territory.

Crocodilians are very stealthy. They can hold their breath for a very long time and swim very quietly. They are very fast swimmers. They are also fast on land. Crocodilians are very good hunters. The way only the top of their head shows it looks like its just a floating log.


Kelly, Miles. Animals of the World. Bath, UK: Parragon, 1999.

Reader's Digest. Marvels and Mysteries of our Animals World. The  Readers Digest Association, Inc. 1964.

Harris, Susan. Crocodiles and Alligators. London, Franklin Watts 1980.


Photos from Google

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